Beer mats are the workhorse of your establishment, soaking up drips and spills and keeping your bar top tidy. Printed on high-quality pulp board material, the resulting thickness (40pt or 60pt) and rigidity make these beer coasters perfect for re-use. While this bar top staple makes a great advertising vehicle for your establishment, beer mat designs can have a personality too.
Here are several clever beer coaster designs that you can use as inspiration to add elements of memorable fun to your bar.
Did You Know?
Bars and trivia go hand-in-hand. Create your beer coasters with a series of trivia questions to keep your guests entertained. General interest or pop culture trivia is appropriate for any occasion, but you can also tailor the trivia questions to your local audience. If your restaurant is in the heart of a historical district, try American history trivia. If you operate a sports bar in a college town, team trivia will keep old and new fans interested.
People have been imbibing for thousands of years and famous people throughout history have had some pretty wise words to say about it. Design your beer coasters to share some words of wisdom on beer, wine, or cocktails with your customers. They’ll remember your establishment for these words to live by.
Play Some Games
People gather with their friends for a little bit of fun. Your reusable beer coasters can get the fun started when they include an adult game of I Spy or Bar BINGO.
Would You Rather . . .
Conversation starters are a great way to really get to know someone, whether it’s a first date or group of old friends. Design a series of bar mats that will break the ice and keep the conversation rolling all night long.
Beer 101
The beer scene is growing and bars and restaurants can now offer hundreds of beers on tap. Educate your customers on the different brewing styles and flavors available to them. What’s the difference between a stout and a lager? What exactly is an IPA? Use your beer mats to educate your customers on the basics of beers they may not be familiar with.